Etichette e sigilli prosciutto IMPORTANTE - Sabores Foods

Ham labels and seals IMPORTANT

100% Iberian acorn-fed ham - PRECINTO NERO. It is the authentic Iberian ham. From a 100% Iberian pig, genetically pure. In its last months, in the montanera era, it is free from grazing, fattening on the basis of acorns and other natural resources. It does not receive an extra supply of feed.

Iberian acorn-fed ham - PRECINTO ROSSO. The difference with the previous one is that the race is not pure. It can be 75% or even 50% Iberian. The breeding system and feeding are identical to the cigar.

Iberian country bait ham - PRECINTO VERDE. In this case we are talking about 100%, 75% or 50% Iberian animals, fattened in recent months with natural feed, supplemented with montanera.

Iberian tinder ham - WHITE PRECINTO. In this case the pig has not trampled the field, it is intensively exploited in farms and has been fed exclusively with natural feed. The animal is normally 75% or 50% Iberian, although it can be 100%.
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